Rear (View)

The rear door opening that will lead to an old fashioned black bottom pool. The landscape won’t be happening soon but this has been the focal design element for the back area and this door opening will frame that nicely.

I love I-Beams !

The I-Beams keep Coming… this week the second and third floor beams were put in place. Suddenly, the scale is brought to light. For a single family home this may be generous square footage.  But is a small footprint for a bed & and breakfast property. The challenge is on for making magic with space…

New Keystone at Main Entry

A close up view of the new keystone on the now taller entryway. As the original building had the servants quarters on the ground floor, the first floor entry was nondescript, short (just 7′ tall) and with no identifying keystone marker. We remedied that by an additional foot in the door height and carving a…